《Sep 10th, 2018 World Suicide Prevention Day》:Working Together to Prevent Suicide
Taiwan Lifeline’s 50 years of in-depth collaboration with the people and with the government
9月焦點September Focus
台灣生命線開線將近50年,各地的生命線協會不僅提供24小時線上協談服務,更憑藉著深耕社區、與民眾建立了互信基礎,漸漸地成為政府單位推動自殺防治、心理健康、弱勢服務等社會福利工作最佳的協力夥伴。生命線總會理事長;同時也是台中榮總嘉義分院副院長黃敏偉提到今年度世界自殺防治日的主題:Working Together to Prevent Suicide-同心協力防自殺,就是全台生命線協會努力的寫照。
Taiwan Lifeline has been operating for nearly 50 years. The local chapters not only provide 24-hour online live call service, but through working with communities and earning trust, have also become the Government’s best partner in suicide prevention, mental health, underprivileged support, and other social welfare services. The Chairman of the Lifeline Association, vice president of Taichung Veterans General Hospital Chia-yi Branch Huang Min-wei, comments that the theme of this year's World Suicide Prevention Day: Working Together to Prevent suicide, portrays exactly what the entire Taiwan Lifeline focus the efforts on.
Echoing the theme of this year's Suicide Prevention Day, our HQ specifically runs a Focus Report on Keelung Lifeline: Between 2009 and 2015, Keelung's suicide rate consistently ranked one of the highest three in Taiwan, getting unwanted reputation as a melancholy city. In recent years, through the joint efforts of the Government and the private sector, especially with Keelung Lifeline’s proactive collaboration, in 2017 the suicide rate fell significantly to 15th in the nation, ridding itself of the melancholy city moniker. As such, in addition to writing relevant articles, our HQ led by Chairman Huang Min-Wei also invited Korean scholars including Professor Hong-jin Jeon of Sunkyunkwan university to visit Keelung Lifeline for an international exchange. This exchange owed gratitude to the meticulous planning by Keelung Lifeline Chairman Chang Wen-Liang and director Lee Chang-Wan, and even in-person support by the Keelung Health Bureau Secretary Wang Ying-Lan. The exchange introduced the work of Keelung Lifeline, while the HQ also presented a comprehensive overview of Taiwan Lifeline systems, promoting the work of and awareness of Taiwan Lifeline systems.
During the Sep 9th 2018 Annual Conference of Taiwanese Society of Suicidology, Chairman Huang Min-Wei was also invited to serve as the moderator of Professor Hong-jin Jeon's keynote speech. Through every small effort, we hope to let more people know and appreciate the contribution of Taiwan Lifeline in suicide prevention, and thus encourage more partners to join in and support the cause.